Protien Bars

I like to carry a protien bar around with me in case I get hungry, so that Im not tempted to eat something much worse

A lot of these are sweetened with sugar alcohol, which feel like they affect my gut a bit in larger quantities. Probably not going to hit those unless Im eating 2+ of these bars a day, but I also dont like the taste of sweet things that much that I crave sugar alcohol as a replacement, so might as well just pick something that isn’t sweet.

I do not really care about taste, as long as the texture is not terrible (am okay with some flakiness). A lot of these bars double as candy bar replacements which Im not really into, too much sugar for me.

Ideally, Id get something with 15-20g of protien, some amount of fibre, no sugar alcohol, and no more than about 5g of sugar.

here are ones Ive tested:


  • (costco) kirkland signature protien bars (21g protien, 10g fiber, 2g sugar, 2g sugar alcohol) - these are pretty much the most decent one which I’ve found that isn’t very expensive, and isn’t full of sugar. Only downside is that it has milk, and I’m lactose intolerant (the cookie dough ones are fine, the chocolate ones I have to take a lactose pill with else I feel a bit sick)

pretty good:

  • aloha bars (these use monkfruit)
    • chocolate mint
    • peanut butter chocolate chip (6/10, 3g saturated fat, a bit too sweet and has milk)
    • peanut butter cup
    • chocolate fudge brownie
    • chocolate chip cookie dough
    • vanilla almond crunch (4/10, not enough flavor)
    • chocolate caramel pecan (5/10, too sweet)
    • lemon cashew (5/10, not enough lemon)
    • coconut chocolate (7/10 tastes good, but 7g of saturated fat)

good-ish, but not something I love:

  • misfits choc protien bar (15g protien, 5g fibre, 1g sugar alcohol)
  • barebells caramel cashew protien bar (20g protien, 3g fibre, 5g sugar alcohol)

too sweet, these are essentially eating candy bars and I dont need that much saturated fat or sweetness:

  • pure protien (9g sugar alcohol, 19g protien, 0g fibre)
  • quest protien bars
  • mre trail mix bar

not enough protien:

  • rxbar: 12g protien, 9g fat (mostly from nuts/chocolate) - I like the taste of these, but they’re not really a protien bar by my standards
  • clif bars: ~10g protien, 5g fibre, 20g sugar - these are more like a granola bar, and I dont really want that much sugar
  • core bat blueberry almond

ones Im not going to try:

  • clif builders - these have way too much sugar/saturated fat for me

to try:

  • jimmyjoy
  • macro
  • thatsitfruit
  • huel
  • soylent
  • mealsquares
  • osm bar